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Stephanie Mojica helps business owners make money online with writing and messaging that has them stand out, get noticed, and attract clients.

3 Reasons You Need a Book Coach

3 Reasons You Need a Book Coach

You are in the midst of writing your first book, but you’ve hit a writing slump and don’t know what to do next. Or maybe you’re writing your book and you want to stand out from the crowd but don’t know how. Hiring a book coach might be your solution.


What is a writing coach?


A writing coach or book development coach helps a writer through the writing process. Some book coaches will help you through grammar and edits, while others will focus more on the marketing and design of your book. These coaches can help you figure out ways to overcome writer’s block, decide whether to choose traditional publishing or self-publishing, and can even teach you how to reach out to agents to publish your book.


There are many reasons to hire a book coach and I’m here to give you three reasons why you should!


  1. Help you reach your writing goals.


Writing a book can be hard, especially if you’re doing it all on your own. But having a book development coach can really push you towards your goals. They will encourage you and keep you on track to finish your book in a span of time that works for you.


2. Help you identify your target market, so your book will be purchased in the future.


A book coach can really help you decide your book’s place in today’s market. If you’re a life coach or business coach, a book coach can really help you learn how to market your book to the right people. They will make sure you stand out from the crowd in order to really sell your book.


3. Help you promote your other services and products through your book.


Like I mentioned before, a book development coach can really help determine who your ideal audience is and how to market towards them. If you’re a business coach or an e-commerce seller, a book can also massively help sell your other products or services. Having a book coach can help you write an amazing book that will increase the number of people who say yes to your product or service.


Where to find a book development coach


There are all kinds of book coaches who can do all of the above for you but one of the best is Stephanie Mojica, The Marketing Message Expert, who can really teach you how to stand out from the crowd and help you become an expert in your field. She has coached dozens of authors through the book writing process, including Andrew Wilkinson (The Blessings of My Storms); Zia Poe Eubanks (Becoming Zia: A Tale of Transformation and Becoming You!: Interactive Workbook); and Dionne Monsanto (101 Ways to Live Life INjoy).


Stephanie specializes in helping writers increase their market reach and gain visibility with their “sweet spot” clients and customers, dream media outlets, and high-level podcasts by guiding them step by step through the process of writing and publishing their book.


Book your discovery call today to learn more!

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