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Stephanie Mojica helps business owners make money online with writing and messaging that has them stand out, get noticed, and attract clients.

What Else Goes Inside Of Your Book Besides The Main Content?

Icon of notepad and pencilWhether you plan to self-publish your book or pursue a traditional publishing deal, there are other things you need to include in your manuscript besides chapters of information.

A copyright page is important. There are standard copyright pages all over the internet. If you’re self-publishing, this is your responsibility. If you get a publisher, they’ll take care of it using the terms in the contract you signed with them.

An optional page is for dedications. This allows you to dedicate it to somebody special. I’ve seen dedication pages with one to three names. This page is usually in between the copyright page and the table of contents.

By the way, a table of contents is important — especially since you’re writing a non-fiction book. People still buy print books, but a lot of folks are buying digital copies through Kindle, Nook, or iBooks. So, you want it where they can easily navigate from one part to another.

Another thing you’ll need goes at the end of your book — your author bio. That’s basically a short biography about you, your business, and any other information you want to include. Awards, media appearances, speaking events, and where you went to college are important to include.

Your headshot should either go on the back cover of your print book or be part of your author bio.

You might also need references at the end depending on if you’re quoting studies, etc. That’s individualized and won’t be necessary for every authorpreneur.

Ready to start (or finish!) writing and publishing your book? Then click the pink button on this page to apply for a free, no-pressure consultation.

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