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2 Foreign Language Websites I Can’t Live Without (iTalki and Preply Review)

Stephanie MojicaI’m an American, but I speak fluent Portuguese and a decent level of Dutch, Sranan Tongo, and Haitian Creole (not to mention bits of other languages!) thanks to the foreign language learning websites iTalki and Preply.


Not to brag too much, but my Portuguese is now so good I can attend events where that’s the primary language used and shock the heck out of the attendees who are used to the stereotype of the monolingual American. I read advanced books in Portuguese and even sometimes write poetry in it. All because of private one-on-one lessons online.


So, are you ready to brush up on the Spanish you haven’t studied since high school? Or maybe you want to learn some Japanese for your future trip to Japan? Perhaps you need some affordable help in your native language as far as business editing, proofreading, and writing. The options are limitless, especially on iTalki.


I’m going to give you the step-by-step process to taking advantage of these sites, then I’ll talk more about the pros and cons of both.


1. Sign up for both sites using these links (you’re getting discounts using these!): iTalki and Preply.
2. Use the search feature to find a tutor for the language of your choice.
3. Read their profiles, rates, and watch their videos.
4. Check their calendar to see if there’s a time and day that works for you.
5. (For iTalki only) Select whether you want to meet on Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, or in the iTalki classroom. (Preply requires you to meet in their classroom on their website, but most of the time we wind up going to the teacher’s Zoom link.)
6. Schedule your lesson, adding your payment method (card or PayPal) when asked.
7. Arrive at the appropriate link, classroom, or sign on to Skype when it’s time for your lesson.
8. Talk to the tutor just like you were in a classroom!
9. Confirm the lesson when done, leaving a review or feedback if you wish.
10. Schedule more lessons and continue your journey to fluency!

iTalki vs. Preply Review


iTalki was the first language learning website I ever used, and as of this writing I have taken 840 lessons on there. The main language I’ve studied has been Portuguese, though I’ve also taken lessons in Spanish, Dutch, Sranan Tongo, Haitian Creole, Yoruba, Swahili, Hungarian, Japanese, Bulgarian, and Guarani.


And I recently received a certificate for completing 40 hours of Portuguese lessons on Preply.


There are more tutors on iTalki than any other language website I’ve encountered, but the prices are a little steeper than on Preply. Depending on the language, you could pay anywhere from $5-$50 an hour on iTalki. The median I pay seems to be about $12 an hour for Portuguese and $25 an hour for Dutch.


On the other hand, Preply has Portuguese tutors for as low as $3 an hour and Dutch tutors for as low as $12 an hour. I tend to pay $6 an hour for Portuguese and around $15 an hour for Dutch.


A con with iTalki is you can’t automatically reschedule a lesson less than 24 hours before it, though if you know the tutor and a legit problem (e.g., slow Internet connection, illness, or family emergency) comes up they’ll usually reschedule. I see how it’s fair to the tutor who is counting on the income, but I wish they’d have more lenient policies like Preply (which lets you cancel or reschedule 4 hours in advance).


Also, you must schedule your iTalki lesson 12 hours before it…which makes it inconvenient if you have some unexpected free time. Preply allows you to schedule a lesson 2 hours in advance.


A BIG pro of iTalki is the sheer number of tutors and languages compared to Preply. If you want to study a Creole or indigenous language, you’re not going to find it on Preply.


However, most iTalki tutors charge by the hour. Some 30 and 45-minute classes are available, but the price is generally not that much cheaper. You might pay $8 for a 30-minute lesson and $10 for an hour with the same tutor.


On the other hand, only your first lesson with a Preply tutor must be an hour. And unlike iTalki, the hourly rate doesn’t change if you schedule a shorter lesson. If your tutor charges $3 an hour on Preply and you schedule a 30-minute lesson, you only pay $1.50! This is great for a quick lunch break during busy workdays.


The quality of tutors on iTalki and Preply is generally pretty good, as both sites do rigorous screening. However, finding the one who works best for you is a matter of trial and error.


Some tutors are great with beginners, while others are more ideal for advanced speakers. Some have formal lesson plans, while others just want to talk. Some are friendly, while others are more reserved.


No matter what you decide, the benefits of regular chats or formal lessons with native speakers in the language of your choice cannot be stressed enough! I would not be as far along in my language journey without iTalki and Preply.


Apps and books can only take you so far, so what are you waiting for? Try it out today and let me know how it went!


Disclaimer: I receive modest affiliate commissions in the form of language learning credits. This is at no cost to you, and when you use these links you’ll receive discounts. Thank you for supporting my content and language learning journey by using these links!

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