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Stephanie Mojica helps business owners make money online with writing and messaging that has them stand out, get noticed, and attract clients.

10 Tips To Start Writing Today…Even If You HATE Writing!

I know that many of you have issues with getting your ideas out of your head and into written form…whether you’re writing a sales page, newsletter article, or a book.

I had an afternoon away and thought about writing up the 10 best tips that I have seen work when it comes to getting your ideas out of your head and into written form.

Here are my 10 favorite tips to get your ideas out of your head and into written form:

1. Set an alarm/timer for 25 minutes and just write without stopping.

2. Speak your ideas into a voice recorder.

3. Shoot a quick video of your ideas.

4. Have a friend, family member, or colleague interview you about your ideas.

5. Use a website like Otter.ai (this link gets us each free minutes) to transcribe #2, #3, or #4 into written form.

6. Hire a coach/consultant like myself…even if just for a one-time session. (Click to pink button on this website to apply for a no-pressure conversation.)

7. Read more…especially people you admire in your industry.

8. Mastermind/network with other people in your shoes…sites like Meetup are great for this.

9. Review your past content…written, audio, and video.

10. Revisit the topics you found in #9 with a new take on it.

What do you think? What’s your favorite tip? Let me know!

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