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Stephanie Mojica helps business owners make money online with writing and messaging that has them stand out, get noticed, and attract clients.

How To Make $30K+ By Writing And Publishing A Book

Did you know that you could make $30,000, $75,000, $100,000, or even more just by writing and self-publishing a book related to you and your business?


A common objection I get from people who say they want to work with me is, “Oh, I’m not a writer. I don’t know how to do this.”


Actually, that’s why you need help.


But really — and I’ve been talking to other people in the space about this recently — people who didn’t go to school for writing usually write the best books, especially once they stop overthinking it.


Let’s go over three things you need to do to write that book that’s going to make you $30,000, $75,000, $100,000, or even more. And I’m not just talking about book sales, although that’s also important. I’m talking about what we call the back end (the services or the products that you can sell) and your book doesn’t have to be sleazy or salesy.


What you need to do is write to your ideal client. My ideal client is a coach, consultant, or a licensed professional such as a psychologist or an attorney who is ready to amp up their visibility, credibility and market reach through writing and publishing a book. So, for my next book, I would write about their needs, I’m considering writing a book next year about how to promote your book once you publish it.


As you write, speak to your ideal client’s needs. Address their pain. You don’t want to give away the whole farm, so to speak, but you want to offer them solutions that they can use right away and entice them to get in touch with you.


The second thing you want to do is make it easy for them to get in touch with you. A lot of the clients I work with (whether as their coach, consultant, editor, or writer) want to put a link to their main website in their book. Sometimes, they don’t think their website needs to be in there at all.


What I encourage them to do is to either use an existing free offer or create a free offer to entice those readers to sign up for their email list. If you take this piece of advice, your readers can stay in touch with you more easily.


The gift doesn’t have to be complicated; it could be a complimentary webinar recording or a companion workbook — something that entices them to stay in your world. Also, you want to put links to your social media profiles. Make sure that you’re visible online and easy to find.


A big mistake that a lot of folks make is they drop their book on Amazon, and they think a lot of great things are going to happen right away. And that’s just not true.


You have to promote your book like anything else in your business. You want to be doing podcast interviews, newspaper, TV, and radio interviews, guest blogging, doing Facebook and Instagram Lives with other people, and going Live yourself; the possibilities are endless. But you have to let folks know that the book exists once it’s edited and published. Otherwise, how are people going to get in touch with you? And that goes back to step two, you’re not making it easy for them to get in touch with you.


A lot of people I’ve met have published their book, but then they’re shy about talking about it because they don’t want to bother people. But you have a solution, and it’s a very low-cost solution. Your book is a great way for people who have been following you on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc. to get to know you better with low risk. So, you’ll want to promote your book as much as possible without being creepy about it. But you have to keep in mind that just because you post about something 10 times does not mean the same people to see those things 10 times. So, promote your book once it’s published.


Do you have a book in your mind? Or one languishing on your hard drive or seemingly invisible on Amazon? Click the pink button on this website to talk about writing, editing, publishing, and promoting your book. You can become a successful authorpreneur…no writing experience necessary!

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