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Stephanie Mojica helps business owners make money online with writing and messaging that has them stand out, get noticed, and attract clients.

How Often Should You Send Out A Newsletter?

A lot of folks I work with, whether I’m writing for them or coaching them through their writing, ask me about schedules. For example, how often should you send a newsletter?

Many experts say send out a newsletter once a week.

I’ll be honest, I don’t always do that. I prefer sending a newsletter out twice a month. Lately, I’ve been doing three or four times a month.

There are some people who will tell you to send out a newsletter once a month. I was just talking to somebody about this other day, though. If you send out a newsletter once a month, you risk having people forget who you are and unsubscribing.

So, I prefer to email my list about twice a month.

However, weekly is also good. It really depends on your market, what your messaging is, and your time.

I would start with twice a month because I see a lot of professional writers get overwhelmed. They say they’re gonna send out a newsletter every single week. But they have to write that newsletter and then they wind up sending out a newsletter once in a while.

The more you’re in front of your audience on a consistent basis, the more trust is going to be built, and the more they’re going to see your name. People need to see your name and your message at least 12 times to really start to build that classic know, like, and trust factor.

If you’re sending your newsletter a couple of times a month, it’s probably going to take about six months to hit 12 times. So, if you’re in a hurry, you might want to send a newsletter out once a week. But I would just caution you to not bite off more than you can chew, so to speak.

Do you need help writing newsletters or want someone to write your newsletter for you? Then click the pink button on this page to apply for a complimentary, no-pressure consultation!

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